• Research on traditions >  Research on traditions (folk tales, poems, songs, rituals etc) in all country members of UNISON project. This research includes collection of existing recorded archives e.g. from radio, cultural organizations, texts that proper trained artists can oraly preform, new audiovisual recording and registration.
  • Educational models on training for Artists >  These educational models on training for Artists are from the educational and training systems for Artists from the partner countries.  Here are presented:
    • models and teaching gudelines, feedbacks from the courses on specific languages and specific audiences will improve and complete the proposed educational model and Teaching guidelines.
    • Methods for boosting youth’s motivation and engagement by integrating digitisation (ex. 3D modelling, compilation of artistic catalogues, development of digital promotional materials, video production, digital storytelling and web advertisement);
    • Practical guidelines, multidisciplinary approach and suggestions on how to integrate in music art topics with natural renewable resources and the collaboration of key stakeholders.

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