Learning activity C5: Techniques of Drama and Self-Expression in Education

From the 24th to the 30th In October 2023, we thefifth learning activity in the Unison project was held in Split, Croatia.

The Erasmus LTTA activity meeting, called “Techniques of Drama and Self-Expression in Education Workshops,” brought together participants to exchange ideas and techniques that encourage student motivation. This meeting focused on promoting creative methods and drama techniques for learning, with the aim of improving teaching and encouraging student motivation.

During this meeting, participants discussed key issues related to student motivation, including the most common reasons for lack of motivation. They analyzed the meaning of motivation and considered why students set and maintain their educational goals. Participants also explored major theories of motivation, considering what it means for a student to be goal-oriented.

At the meeting, different methods using drama for learning were exchanged and considered, including methods such as role-playing and storytelling. Through practical examples, games, video materials and interaction with participants, participants explored new and interesting ways to involve students in the teaching process.

The participants also had the opportunity to meet and work with media professionals, educators and education experts. They discussed how to create engaging lessons and where to find inspiration, including teaching materials and tools. However, they devoted most of their time to preparing the final product of the project, which was to be premiered in January 2024 on the Azores.

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