Learning activity C2: Trainings for artists

The second Learning, Teaching, Training Activity: C2- TRAININGs FOR ARTISTS

Was held in Split, Croatia, and hosted by the Center of Excellence of Split-dalmatia county. It was held from 15th of January until 21st of January 2023 and included the following activities:

  1. a) International workshop on training for Artists that included training by key trainer from host institution taking advantage of their advanced training system and supplementary course including acting and business skills development. It will be organized by The Center of Excellence. Participants: six artists per each UNISON partner. The result will be the professional training of participant Artists in order to develop their artistic skills and improve performing and business skills.
  2. b) creating an Educational model of training Artists, teachers etc. This will be implemented and will include basic guidelines on Acting and business knowledge for sustainable cultural activities
  3. c) Workshop “Public speech for active citizens” for Trainers and Artists, organized by host institution.

Project participants learned how to improve public speaking and how to gain confidence in front of an audience, how to analyze a speech using annotations, and how to connect past, present and future through oratory and art.

Although the weather in Split is not ideal, there was also time for sightseeing in Split, which we organized for our partners from Portugal and Macedonia.

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